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[Publications Naturalia] PESCATOREA. Iconography of Orchids [1854]-1860 - Jean Linden

[Publications Naturalia] PESCATOREA. Iconography of Orchids [1854]-1860 - Jean Linden

Naturalia Publications
(Code: 9782909717100)
En Stock
75,00 EUR
30,00 EUR
The title that we have given this work - Pescatorea - was very appropriate indeed in view of the generous support that was given to us, at the time of the foundation of this project, by Mr. Jean-Pierre Pescatore, the owner of the most splendid orchid collection on the European continent. In the mean time, the name has become an hommage to the memory of that eminent and regretted patron of horticulture. "
Jean Linden

Quarante-huit orchidées, décrites et commentées.
Autant de superbes illustrations en couleurs et à pleine page, bien imprimées sur du papier mat satiné.

Préface de Jean LINDEN (1860)

Jean-Pierre PESCATORE, Luxembourg, 1793-Paris, 1855

Tirage limité à 1500 exemplaires numérotés à l'achevé d'imprimer 

Turriers, Naturalia Publications, 1994, 24,5 x 32,5 cm, pleine skivertex noir, jaquette illustrée, 160 pages.


snr baudouin, livres baudouin, naturalia publications, botanique, orchidée, fleur, horticulture, jardin,